Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Teens

"Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it."
~ Sharon Salzberg

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We all heard about mindfulness, but not everybody knows what it means or how to achieve it.

Being mindful especially means being fully present in the moment, conscious about your feelings and thoughts. The purpose of teaching mindfulness activities for kids is to make them more aware about what happens inside and outside them, increasing their attention and providing help in managing their emotions.

Sounds good, right? So, how to do that? 🙌

Well, we have prepared for you a TOP 5 ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS TO INCREASE SELF-ESTEEM, SELF-CONFIDENCE AND TO BECOME MORE MINDFUL free resource, ready for your child to put it to use.

Just press the DOWNLOAD button and voila, it’s yours! 🥇

P.S: Practicing with your kid will help you too become more mindful and additionally will increase the bonding between you two, so the result will be DOUBLED!

If you like it (or not), please get back to us and let us know! 

If you haven’t done in yet, take a peek at our related book Mindfulness Affirmations and Activities for Kids 😉 ⭐⭐⭐

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