Mindfulness for Kids

Family Relationship: How to Improve It ❤️

Our busy routines make it nearly impossible to spend quality time with our family. This busy life affects our family relationship. If your family doesn’t spend enough time together or don’t involve in any family activities, this blog post is JUST FOR YOU !!!

Why family relationship is important?

Although we want to prioritize family time and relationships, our daily routine doesn’t allow us to spend enough time together. However, we should know that family bonding is very important on an individual level.

It is observed that people with stronger family relationship have better social relationships. They tend to cope with stress and anxiety and have positive behavior. Children who have a positive environment at home develop higher self-esteem and lower risks of mental problems.

With some simple tricks, you can make your family bond stronger and keep everyone together. Creating some family rituals will strengthen the emotional health and family relationship.

Plan quality time together with your family

The best way to strengthen the family relationship is to keep the family together. You can try different activities that every member of your family loves and enjoys. When the whole family is enjoying the time spent together, you will feel more connected to each other.

Spending time together also removes negativity in family relationship. When children are growing they might isolate themselves from their family members. If you want to remove any conflict with your children you should make them realize that you respect them as an individual and want to reach out to them. You can look for your kid’s hobbies like gardening, traveling, or painting, and try these activities with your kid.

Bonus tip: If you are planning outdoor activities, you should also have a backup. In case your plans are interrupted by bad weather or temperature, you would still have a backup to spend time with your family. You can select a movie or a show that all your family loves to watch in case your plan gets interrupted.

Arrange a family dinner

If you are a working parent, it might seem nearly impossible to arrange a fancy dinner for your family. As your main focus is to keep your family together, you don’t have to make a lavish dinner. Instead, make something simple to cook that everyone loves. This will gather you together and offer you the opportunity to talk about the recent or important happenings in your day.

Another tip for family dinners is to cook together. Preparing the food together with your kids, setting the table, and doing dishes will lead to long-term positive effects on the family relationship. While eating, you can engage your kids in important or fun discussions. Studies have shown that kids who eat dinner with their family have improved academic performance and higher confidence levels.

Dining out is another option to spend some quality time with your family. You can try new dishes and explore different restaurants together. Once your family gets in the habit of eating together, you can start deciding on menus together.

Arrange a game night

If you have kids who are fond of gaming, they are going to love the idea of spending a few hours playing their favorite games. Gaming is considered a family activity that leaves lasting memories. 

Playing video games with your children can enhance the family relationship and promote family bonding. Games provide the opportunity to develop collaboration skills and goal-seeking behaviors.

Make chores a fun activity for the whole family

Doing chores can be boring and feel like a burden sometimes, but you can use some tricks to make chores a family fun time. Doing chores together can create unity between family members. You can assign different tasks to all family members and set a time to complete your task. It will keep the kids motivated to do their work in a specified time. 

Another way to make chores fun is to create your chores jar. To make a chores jar you just need some paper, a marker, and any jar or container. Write different tasks on each piece of paper, fold it, and put it in the jar. Kids can draw their tasks for the day from this jar.

Write notes for your family members

Love is not always in person. Writing notes to someone shows your compassion towards that person. It can be a nice surprise for anyone in your family. Hiding notes in lunch boxes or vehicles is another great way to express your love.

Listen to & understand each other

Communication is the key to a strong family relationship. When your kids grow they expect you to understand them and listen to their needs. A push-back might send a signal that their thoughts and needs are not important to their family members. 

Many parents do not give enough time to their kids. They listen to them to reply and do not understand them. You have to make sure that all your family members are heard including your partner and all your children.

While communicating with your child try to be attentive and respond well. Remember to listen without judgment or any accusation and pay full attention to your kid. Open body language and engaging eye contact are also key factors in good communication, which shows your support and love for your family members. It creates a sense of trust among family members and helps them to understand each other better.

Laugh together with your family

Laughing produces a sense of well-being and it creates a positive emotional atmosphere. Studies have shown that when people laugh together they establish an emotional connection with each other. This connection between family members builds stronger family ties.

The easiest way to laugh together is to watch a comedy movie or show together. You can also ask your kids to tell some jokes to create a light-hearted atmosphere during your ride home. Just make sure that everyone is laughing together with each other and not at each other.

Learn to forgive each other

In a family, forgiveness is very important. In any situation, you should remain calm and composed. Communicate and don’t judge the person before listening to their side of the story.

Focus on the issue instead of a person’s character. If your kids make any mistake and you calmly handle the situation and forgive them, they are less likely to repeat it in the future. It will also develop a relationship of trust that helps your child to discuss everything with you without any fear of being misunderstood or judged.

Bond with your kid through journaling

If you are a parent whose job doesn’t allow him to spend a lot of time with their family, it might be difficult for you to bond with your kids. A parent-kid journal will help you to grow an emotional bond with your child. You can share your thoughts, experiences, and adventures through a journal.
Similarly, a journal of this kind leads you to develop a lasting relationship with your kid by recording memories that you can cherish for a lifetime, and will ease the communication that appeared harder or even impossible before.  

Below you can find some samples of our journals that could help your family relationship strengthen and unite and also a testimonial from one of our customers on Between Mom and Me: A Mother and Daughter Journal:

such a well thought out book!

With 3 children under 7 and so close in age its often hard to find that precious one-on-one time, so when we get those moments I like to make them count! We found the perfect special activity to do with the children individually. They are so beautifully made and well thought out with parts for both parent and child to fill in. They will be something my children can treasure forever, into adulthood. With questions answered they might never have thought to ask. Highly recommend. I also bought others for both mum and dad to do with our sons and daughter.

Olivia from Worldwide Creativity

Published by
Olivia from Worldwide Creativity

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